Hippojuice: January 30th, 2019

Hippojuice Highlights 1/30/19:

– Mitch is already used to -30 degree weather but we have questions

– Pastor Royce comes up with a new summer camp idea and calls into Bonnie Mercado’s show with Brother Dutch

– Royce breaks down why the newest Star Wars movie and why it was terrible

– Joel wants to get a sleeve tattoo but needs listener suggestions and we give him dicks


Hippojuice : January 23rd, 2019

Hippojuice Highlights 1/23/19:

– Jablinski games with Jack Black is not what’s up on the YouTubes, it’s Rablinski Games with Royce Lopez!

– We talk about our favorite drinking games like ring hook, corn hole, horseshoes, and beersbee

– Pastor Royce prank calls a hotline selling stuff to people 55 and older

– The Oscar noms come out and we are all rooting for our friend Phil Lord


Hippojuice: January 16th, 2019

Hippojuice Highlights 1/16/19:

– The Renewed Mind Is the Key- Pastor Royce is going to Manager this hot new band

– Who’s side are you on with the fast food catering thing Trump did?

– We read silly names of British food because they eat silly things

– Man injects his own semen into his arm for 1.5 years to Semenly treat his back pain
